Just in time for the new year (with apologies to users on Tonga and other places already finding themselves in 2023), I'd like to say thanks to all for your support in 2022!
Personally, lately I've rediscovered the joys of solving a game with another person by re-visiting one of my all-time favourite games, Trinity, with my esteemed co-editor Alex. It's been many years since I've been running around trying to save the world, and playing via Discord may not quite replace the fun of sitting at the same computer in the same room, but it comes pretty close, and being able to bounce ideas and suggestions off each other makes for quicker progress and a lot of enjoyment.
Contributors: Garry, Gonzo, iamaran, Exemptus, Bieno, Alex, boldir, sequornico, fuzzel, Paul Ingerson, OVL, blauroke, Strident, dave
- New Solutions: Abington, Adventure, Adventure 2001, Adventures of Barsak the Dwarf, The, Alter-Earth, Blue Wizard Adventure, Castle, Castle Belmar, Eryus, Great Detective, The, Island, The, Nel Mondo degli Adeh, Operation Roman Gaul, Powerstar, Rock, The, Sea Spray Incident, The, Time Search, Twin Orbs of Aalinor, The, Village of Death, Warriors Revenge
- New Maps: Adventure 2001, Adventures of Barsak the Dwarf, The, Alter-Earth, Castle, Chateau Gaillard, City of Ehdollah, The, Codebook Caper, Eryus, Evil Realm, Genesis II, House of Orion, Island, The, Lost in the Desert, Magma Man, Magnetic Moon, Magus, Majik, Manor of Doom, Manor of Madness, Nel Mondo degli Adeh, Neptune's Caverns, Nosferatu: Quest for the Vampire, Operation Roman Gaul, Powerstar, Quest Adventure, Revenge of the Space Pirates, Rock, The, Roman Adventure, Sea Spray Incident, The, Seastalker, Skull Island, Soho Sex Quest, Throne of Camelot, The, Time Search, Village of Death, Warriors Revenge
- New Hints: Codebook Caper
- New Fixed games: Castle, Village of Death
- Updated Maps: Neptune's Caverns, Rock, The
- Updated Solutions: Enrak, Rock, The
- New Games: Case of Murder, A, Castle, Crypt, Ding, Das, Eye of Mordeaus, The, Labyrinth, Legacy of Markham Island, The, Mystery of Markham Manor, The, Pyramide de Toutenkarton, La
As we're approaching the end of 2022, the early days of text adventures seem a distant past. Still, past and present manage to meet up on various occasions.
Among the more notable ones, the 1982 Zork'ish mega-game
Ferret has been made available to modern users in a finishable state. This is the kind of computer archaeology that I just love. The list of missing games from the era of the mainframes and the likes is extensive, so resurrections of this sort is most welcome.
The next example isn't exactly breaking news, but Ken and Roberta Williams (yes, the Sierra founders) have come out of retirement with 12 people coding away on a VR version of Colossal Adventure. I don't think a great many of us had seen that one coming. It'll be interesting to see if it can grab the attention of a modern audience. More on the official website.
Contributors: Garry, Simon, Exemptus, skyhook58, Denk, boldir, Endurion, sequornico, Ambat Sasi Nair, ChickenMan, iamaran, fuzzel, Dorothy, blauroke, The Glass Fractal, equinox, Alastair, Strident, OVL, Canalboy, nimusi, jdyer, ClockWyzass, dave, DannieGeeko, redhighlander, jgerrie, Oloturia, PJ-1978, Duffadash, leenew, FredB74, FARLANDER, r_f
- New Solutions: Advent X-5, Adventure, Adventure in Time, Adventures of Worm, The, Aftermath of the Asimovian Disaster, Ai confini della realta', Alan Simmons - Bucaneer, Alchemist's Gold, Alien Research Centre 2, Ameriganos ein Adventure Teil II, Andromeda 1983, Andromeda Awakening - The Final Cut, Antica Grecia, Apprentice, The, Atlantean Odyssey, Auf den Spuren des Buddha zu Bodnath, B.A.S.I.C. Adventure, The, Bannochburn Legacy, The, Barry Basic and the Speed Daemon, Becca in Outlaw Cave, Beyond, The, Big Fall, The, Briney Deep, The, Buffer Diamond, Bunyip Adventure, Burial Ground Adventure, Camelot, Captain Future, Carpathian Vampire, Castle, Castle Northstar, CC's Road to Stardom, Chateau Gaillard, Checkpoint, Christmas Eve Nightmare, A, Citadel of Pershu, The, Città fantasma, La, City of Doom, The, Clever Catacombs, Clive ad Hollywood, Curse of the Garden Isle, Damsel in Distress, Deadly Dungeon, Dessert Island Adventure, Downtown Tokyo, Present Day, Dragon-Quest Adventure, Dungeon Builder Adventure, The, Dwarfs Domain, Egyptian Adventure, Elephant Graveyard Adventure, Embassy 1989, Escape from Alcatraz, Escape From Jail, Escape From Trash Island, Escape in 3D, Espiritu Roboto, Estate of Doom, Everybody Loves a Parade, Eye of Min, Fantastic Four, The, Five Doctors and the Twin Dilemma, The, Forbidden Quest, Forgotten Island, Futurezoo, Gateway to the Skies, Gefahr im Kaufhaus, Gh0stbusters: Basic Training, Ghostbuster, Grandma's Flying Saucer, Haakon - Naufragio nel Mare del Nord, Haakon ed i Fuorilegge, Haakon: La Contea di Erik, High Mountains, The, Hollis Island, Horror of Rylvania, the, House of Horror, House of the Stalker, The, Hunt for Relief, The, Illumina, Illumina, Improv: Origins, In Quest of the Star Lord, In Search of Trash Island, Iron Wolves, The, Janitor Jim, Jewels of Sancara Island, John Bend Detective, Journey Through Time, Kenny Koala's Bushfire Survival Plan, King of the Jungle, Kobold in Search for Family, Land of Chark, The, Library Quest, Lifeboat, Lonely Troll, The, Lookout, The, Loony Bin, Los Angeles, Lost in Wales, Lost Island, Lost over Bermuda, Lost Ruby, Lost Ship Adventure, Lungo Ritorno, Il, Magic Kristall, The, Manor Murder Case, The, Mayday, Medieval Space Warrior, Merlin, Mermaid Adventure, Mermaid and the Crown, The, Mexican Adventure, Missing Princess, The, Moments Out of Time: Adventure Type, Moon-Shaped, Mother Loose, Mystery Mansion, Necrotic Drift, Never Trust a Blonde, Not Just A Game, October 31st, Of Their Shadows Deep, One Foot Down, One Girl, Opal Lily, The, Panico Allo Stadio, Paper Chase, Paperino e la Partita, Path to Fortune, The, Pen and the Dark, The, Perdition's Flames, Perla, La, Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle, Pico-Adventure, Plain and Ordinary Day at Toho Academy, A, Planet of the Robots, Pogog Manor, Polynesian Adventure, Pytho's Mask, Questprobe Featuring The Hulk, Rakish, Raspberry Jam - 2022, Rematch, Rescue Adventure, Return to Camelot, Risorgimento Represso, Rock, The, Room 206, Runestone, Sabre of Sultar, The, Sarvegne, Save Princeton, Schooldays, Search For The Ruby Chalice, Secret of Volcano Island, The, Secret Service, Security Shelter, Sex Artist, The, Shapes, Simona, Sindrella's Potions, Skullduggery - Adventures in Horror, So Far, Soho Mission, Solinet Demo Adventure, Song of the Mockingbird, The, Speculative Fiction, Spelunker's Tremendous Cave Adventure, The, Spooky Mansion, The, Stargate, Starship Columbus, Sting, Temple of Azragor, The, Temple of Vishtari, The, Thunder Mountain Passage, Time: All Things Come to an End, Tomba dei Navajo, La, Tower of Fear, Treasure Island, Treasure of the Aztecs, Tryst of Fate, Ultima Adventure, Ultima Nine, Ultima V, Ultima VII, Unscientific Fiction, Urban Cleanup, Valley of Treasures, Varicella, Verb!, Veritas, Wade Wars Book III, Waystation, Weird Island, Werewolf Wars, Werewolves and Wanderer, White Fire Of Eternity, The, Wild Trails, Windsloe Mansion, Winter Term, Wizard's Club, Wizard's Cottage, The, World, World's End, You Won't Get Her Back, Zagor - La Fortezza di Smirnoff, Zoo Hero!!
- New Maps: Abington, Ace in the H.O.L.E., Acheton, Acheton, Advent X-5, Adventure, Adventure, Adventure in Time, Adventure on the Planet of Zeeble, Adventures of Worm, The, Aftermath of the Asimovian Disaster, Alchemist's Gold, Alien Research Centre 2, Anamagon's Temple, The, Andromeda 1983, Andromeda Awakening - The Final Cut, Antica Grecia, Atlantean Odyssey, B.A.S.I.C. Adventure, The, Bannochburn Legacy, The, Barry Basic and the Speed Daemon, Becca in Outlaw Cave, Beyond the Tesseract, Billy the Kid, Black Tower, The, Black Tower, The, Bronx, Buffer Diamond, Camelot, Carpathian Vampire, Casa, La, Case of the Missing Adventure, The, Case of the Mixed-Up Shymer, The, Castle, Castle Adventure, Castle Elsinore, Castle Northstar, CC's Road to Stardom, Chateau Gaillard, Christmas Eve Nightmare, A, Citadel of Pershu, The, Citadel of Yah-Mon, The, Città fantasma, La, City of Doom, The, Clever Catacombs, Clive ad Hollywood, Coffee Adventure, Colossal Cave Adventure, Cry Wolf, Curse of the Garden Isle, Damned Castle, The, Dark Lore, Davy Jones Locker, Day Trip, Deadly Dungeon, Deadly Dungeon, Demon Knight, Demonstration Adventure, Desert Island, Dessert Island Adventure, Devil's Palace, Dimensione Sconosciuta, Downtown Tokyo, Present Day, Dragon-Quest Adventure, Dungeon Builder Adventure, The, Dwarfs Domain, Elephant Graveyard Adventure, Ellisnore Diamond, The, Enchanter, Escape from Alcatraz, Escape From Jail, Escape From Trash Island, Espiritu Roboto, Excalibur, Exiled, Explore, Fabled Black Rose, The, Fabled Treasure of Koosar, The, Fantasy, The, Father of Darkness, Faulty Towers, Feline Sleepy, Final Demand, The, Fire Ruby, The, First Past the Post, Fisher King, The, Fistful of Blood Capsules, A, Floarea Soarelui, For Pete's Sake, For Your Thighs Only, Forbidden Quest, Forestland, Forestland, Forgotten Island, Forgotten Island, Forgotten Past, The, Fortress at Time's End, The, Fortress of Keler, Fourth Dimension, The, Frenetic Five vs. Sturm und Drang, The, Fuseman, Futurezoo, Futurezoo, Galactic Hitchhiker, Gateway to the Skies, Gefahr im Kaufhaus, Get Me to the Church On Time!, Gh0stbusters: Basic Training, Goblin Crusher, Goblins, Gorm, Gorm, Grandma's Flying Saucer, Halls of the Dwarven Kings, The, Hollis Island, Horror Atoll, House out of Town, In Quest of the Star Lord, In Search of Trash Island, Infidel, Investigator, Investigator II, Iron Wolves, The, Jack and the Beanstalk, Janitor Jim, Jason of the Argonauts, Kenny Koala's Bushfire Survival Plan, King of the Jungle, Kobold in Search for Family, Krago Castle, Labour Pains, Land of Chark, The, Last City, The, Legend of Craldons Creek, The, Legend of Craldons Creek, The, Library Quest, Lighthouse Adventure, Lonely Troll, The, Loony Bin, Lost Hoard, Lost over Bermuda, Lost Ruby, Lost Ship Adventure, Lungo Ritorno, Il, Magic Treasure Adventure, Magical Mystery Tour, Magician's Apprentice, A, Man About the House, Mansion Quest, Matt Lucas, Maze Machine, McKensie, Medieval Space Warrior, Merlin, Mermaid Adventure, Mermaid and the Crown, The, Mines of Lithiad, The, Mini-Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz, Miser, Mission X, Murder, Mystery, Mysterious Fairground, Never Trust a Blonde, Occhio del Diavolo, L', Operation Berlin, Operation Colossus, Operation Thunderbowel, Operation Turtle, Orb Quest, Panico Allo Stadio, Paperino e la Partita, Pen and the Dark, The, Perla, La, Phoenix, Pico-Adventure, Planetfall, Polynesian Adventure, Primal Adventure, Pyramid, The, Raspberry Jam - 2022, Rays, Rescue Adventure, Revenge of Balrog, Rock, The, Runestone, Sangraal, Sangraal, Savage Island part 1, Search For The Ruby Chalice, Secret of Volcano Island, The, Security Shelter, Ship of Doom, Simona, Sindrella's Potions, Soho Mission, Solaris, Solinet Demo Adventure, Sorcerer, Sorcerer, Spooky Mansion, The, Staff of Power, The, Stargate, Subsunk, Tablets of Hippocrates, Tax Returns, Taxman Cometh, The, Teacher Trouble, Tears of the Moon, The, Temple of Vishtari, The, Terror From the Deep, Thunder Mountain Passage, Thunder Road, Thunderland, Thunderland II, Toddler Trouble, Tombs of Xeiops, Tower of Fear, Treasure of the Aztecs, Weird Island, Werewolf Wars, Werewolves and Wanderer, White Fire Of Eternity, The, Wild Trails, Windsloe Mansion, Winter Term, Witness, The, Wizard's Club, Wizard's Cottage, The, Yellow Peril, Ziggarat of Dread, Zoo Hero!!
- New Manuals: Exiled
- New Hints: Blue Dragon, Blume der Siebentägigen Weisheit, Castle Ralf, Demon's Tomb, Krago Castle, Mansion Quest, Mermaid and the Crown, The, Oh Shit!, Tiny Adventure, Warlord, The, Yes, Prime Minister
- New Fixed games: Aftermath of the Asimovian Disaster, Buffer Diamond, Castle Northstar, Chateau Gaillard, Christmas Eve Nightmare, A, Citadel of Pershu, The, Deadly Dungeon, Dragon-Quest Adventure, Five Doctors and the Twin Dilemma, The, Gefahr im Kaufhaus, Gefahr im Kaufhaus, Lost over Bermuda, Lost Ruby, Never Trust a Blonde, Polynesian Adventure, Rock, The, Stargate, Temple of Vishtari, The, Thunder Mountain Passage, Tower of Fear, Werewolf Wars, Werewolves and Wanderer, Wizard's Cottage, The
- Updated Fixed games: Rock, The
- Updated Maps: Atlantean Odyssey, Burial Ground Adventure, Damsel in Distress, Hidden City of Trash Island, The, In the Loft, Journey Through Time, Land Beyond Time, The, Land Beyond Time, The, Mystery Mansion, Treasure Island
- Updated Solutions: Area 51, Bronx, Città fantasma, La, Excalibur, Finding Martin, Hidden City of Trash Island, The, In the Loft, Investigator II, Job, The, Legend of Craldons Creek, The, Mermaid and the Crown, The, Multi-Dimensional Thief, The, Murder, Mystery, Occhio del Diavolo, L', Rover's Day Out
- New Reviews: Acheton, Alchemist's Gold, Andromeda 1983, Beyond the Tesseract, Black Tower, The, Curse of the Garden Isle, Custard & Mustard's Big Adventure, Denarius Avaricius Sextus, Downtown Tokyo, Present Day, Euripides Enigma, The, Forestland, Frenetic Five vs. Sturm und Drang, The, Gorm, Gotta Go Home, House of the Midnight Sun, Impossible Stairs, The, Midnight at Al's Self Storage, Truck Rentals, and Discount Psychic Readings, Mini-Zork I, Mini-Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz, October 31st, Radio Tower, Sangraal, Things That Happened in Houghtonbridge, Thunder Mountain Passage, Warp, Wry
- New Games: Ørneøen, Abbey, The, Adventura, Adventure, Adventure at Castle Vivengard, Adventure into the Unknown, Adventure Plus, Adventurer's Consumer Guide, Adventurous Trip, Africa Safari, Afternoon in 1989, An, Aggravatron, Alchemist, The, Alchemist's Gold, Alien Complex, Alien Shipwreck, Amiga Christmas Story, An, Annoyotron, Antica Grecia, Apartment F209, Argonath Adventure, Ascent of the Gothic Tower, The, Astres solitaires, B.A.S.I.C. Adventure, The, B.I.S., Bad Toast, Bannochburn Legacy, The, Barry Basic and the Speed Daemon, Batman 66, Bawdy Adventure in the Magic Caverns, A, Beached!, Because You're Mine, Being There, Big Fall, The, Bigger Than You Think, Billete, El, Black Dragon!, Blood Lust Warrior, The, Bloody Raoul, Blue Door, Blue Lettuce, The, Blue Wizard Adventure, Bomb, Boot-Scraper, The, Box, The, Briar, Bug Hunt on Menelaus, Building, Bureaucrocy, Buy Gold, Call of Chthulhu, The, Calo Adventure, Can You Escape, Candle flames in windless air, Captain Atari, Captain Piedaterre's Blunders, Carpathian Vampire, Case of Murder, A, Catseye, Cave, Cavern of the 'Oh, no!', The, Cazador de Vampiros, CC's Road to Stardom, Chaos Factor, The, Checkpoint, Cheesed Off!, Child Stone, Children of Loblolly Lodge, The, Chipmonk, Città fantasma, La, Clive ad Hollywood, Clockwork Boy 2, Cock and Bull Story, A, Codetopia, Colder Light, The, Colour Beyond Time, Comp01ter Game: N0n C0mp0s Ment1s, Comp02ter Game, Conan il Sanguinario, Conflicting Histories, Counterfeit Monkey, Counting Crabs, Country Club Adventure, Crack open a cold one with the Boiz, Crate Expectations, Crew, The, Crown Quest Adventure, Crypt, Curse of Cranbury Manor, The, Curse of Merkfruit Lodge, The, Curse of the Garden Isle, Custard & Mustard's Big Adventure, Dames and Deadites, Danse Nocturne, Dark Star, Dead Cities, Deadly Secrets, Delitto, Un, Delphina's House, Demon's Tomb, Dessert Island Adventure, Destination: Unknown, Diaper Quest, Discover the World, Do Not Meddle, Don Dadl, Don't Push The Mailbox 2 And Aisle, Donum, Donum, Douchebag, Down, the Serpent and the Sun, Dracula Hunt, Dragon Demons, Dragon Hunt, Dragon's Pass, Dragons Tomb, Drakmagi, Dream Escape, Dreamquest of Randolf Carter, The, Dreams Run Solid, Dreamtime, Droll Toll Troll, Dude, Where's My Scapula?, Dungeon Builder Adventure, The, Dungeon's Puzzle, Edge of the Abyss, Elsegar I: Arrival, Endless Sands, Enemy Mine, Equivocal Ingredient, The, Escape from Ice Station Hippo, Escape From Jail, Escape!, Espiritu Roboto, Exodus, The, Exoter, Exoter, Exoter, Explore, Explorer, F.R.E.E., Fair Trade, Fairest, Fallout Shelter, Familiar, The, Fantasia Diamond, Farm Quest, Fate, fin de sickleburg, Final Project, First Adventure, The, Flexible Survival, Fly on the Wall, A, Flying Saucer, Forgotten Island, Fourth Riddle, The, Gaia's Web, Galactic Experience, A, Gateway of the Ferrets, The, General Hospital, Genesis Project, The, Geste d'Artillac, La, Get Out!, Ghost, Ghosts of Blackwood Manor, The, Golden Seas, Grandma's Flying Saucer, Green Mountains, The, Haakon - Naufragio nel Mare del Nord, Hall of the Mountain King, Halloween Horror, The, Hard Puzzle, Hard Puzzle 2 : The Cow, the Stool, and Other Animals, Harold Night, Haunted House, Haunted Mansion, Have Some Fun, Here Comes Treble, Hibernatus, Hired, Tired, Fired, Hoehlenabenteuer, Holy Robot Empire, Horror House, Hostage, House of Dr Strange, The, House of Fear, The, House of Horror, House of Memories, House of Mystery, The, House of the Rising Sun, The, Hugo Clock, The, Humphy, I Palindrome I, Iceworld, Immune System, Impetum Maleficus, Impossible Stairs, The, Improv: Origins, In Good Company, In Quest of Chaos, In Quest of the Star Lord, Indiana Jones a Dobyvatelé, Inform(al)7 Abbreviated Self Tutorial, The, Inside Woman, Island, Island Adventure, Island of Doctor Wooby, The, It Takes Two, Jäger der Heiligen Steine, Jack, Jadeite for the Queen, Janitor Jim, Jason and Medea, Jet-Blue, Jewel, The, Journey Through Space, A, Journey to the Planet Pincus, Judith, Jungle, Kayak Adventure, Kenny Koala's Bushfire Survival Plan, Keys Adventure, The, Keys of Time, The, King of Shreds and Patches, The, Knife of Kishtu, The, Knights Quest, Kobold in Search for Family, Kroach 2, Kroach, The, Lagune de Montaigne, La, Land of Breakfast and Lunch, The, Land of Scrod, The, Land of Unreason, Lange Ruckkehr, Die, Laughing Gnome, The, Lazurite Factor, The, Legend of the Missing Hat, The, Legend of Zelda, The, Library Quest, Library, The, Life of a UMW Student, Lime Ergot, Limen, LMS The Video Game, Lockdown, Locked Door, Lonely Troll, The, Lookout, The, Lord Silvercape, Lost Islands of Alabaz, The, Lost Mountain, The, Lost Soul, Lost Sword, The, Lost Tablet, The, Lungo Ritorno, Il, M-Text, Making of Me, The, Manca Solo un Verso a Quella Poesia - Capitolo 1, Mansion of Izor, The, Mary Jane of Tomorrow, The, Master of the Labyrinth, Maxomar's World, Mermaid Adventure, Mermaid and the Crown, The, MetMan, Mid the Sagebrush and the Cactus, Midnight at Al's Self Storage, Truck Rentals, and Discount Psychic Readings, Minas Morgul, Mission Moon, Molly and the Butter Thieves, Monk by the Sea, Moon Goon, Moonbase Indigo, Moonbright Tower, Moonglow, Morgen wird Klausur geschrieben, Morris Weaver: Vuoto Mentale, Muggle Studies, Museum, The, My Girlfriend's An Evil Bitch, Necron's Keep, Nemesis Macana, New Cat, Next Day, The, Nick's Quest: The Search for the Wand of Wonder, Nightmare, No Sign Should Remain Inert, Northnorth Passage, The, Nothing More, Nothing Less, Observatoire, L', October 31st, Of Their Shadows Deep, Office Goose, Old Castle, The, Old Fogey, Old King Nebb, Olivia's Orphanorium, Omotesando Adventure, One Eye Willie, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, One Room, Onirische Garten, Der, Ophir, Oppositely Opal, Orbs of Derra, The, Origins, Out Of Line, Outcasts, The, Oxygen, PAC-TXT, Paladin Legend, Pangnyheten, Panico Allo Stadio, Pantomime, Paperino e la Partita, Party Arty, Man of La Munchies, PAXLess, PDFA Ottumwa, Pecos Town, Pesky Kids!, Pharoah's Tomb, Phoenix Move, The, Phoenix-Fire, Physical Experience, A, Piano d'Attacco, Il, Pico Adventure, Pico-Adventure, Pilgrim, A, Pinched, Pizza Delivery, Poisonous Rainbow: The Power of Memories, Polarstation, Die, Police Cadet 1: The Hidden Money in the Varingen House, Police Cadet 2: The Haunted Carnival, Police Cadet 3: The Gadget Factory, Police Cadet 4, Police Cadet 5: The Badge of Power, Portfolio Piece, Private Eye, Prueba de Valor, Psychomanteum, Pumpkin Pie for your soul, Quest, Quest for Enchanted Valley, Quest for the Gold Moon, Quest for the Golden Lance: The Adventure Begins, Radio Tower, Raiders of the Holy Stones, Raiders of the Lost Naugha, Rambo, Raspberry Jam - 2022, Realm of A'oria, The, Red Room, The, Reddex, RedKnight, Reference and Representation, Remarkable Experience, A, Retro-Nemesis, Rime World Mission, Robocrook, Rock, The
A cry of "It's alive!" seems to be in order! We're almost halfway through 2022 and our site is still flourishing with several very active contributors. With over 250 new games and more than 175 new solutions added in the past few months, text adventures prove to have a strong endurance.
If we keep this pace within the next year we will reach the milestone of having a massive amount of 10,000 games in our database. Apart from our site there are other, very active text adventure communities. Even in 2022 it is possible to take adventure classes, and interesting new games are still being developed. Check for instance I Doesn’t Exist, which will soon seek crowdfunding.
Contributors: Ambat Sasi Nair, Garry, Strident, Alex, RetroBasic, iamaran, redhighlander, Sylvester, boldir, terri, The Glass Fractal, Exemptus, Dorothy, Mousey, Geoff, Denk, ahope1, eriktorbjorn, urbanghost, auraes, OVL, Voltgloss, Canalboy, Sharpworks, Paul Ingerson, nimusi, Sudders, Oloturia
- New Solutions: += 3, 2112, Adventure Construction Set Demo, Adventures Dream, Agent 009, Aisle, Alabaster, Alice in Wonderland, Alien Egg, All the Colours of Darkness, Almazar I, Altered Destiny, Amazon, Angelicus Saga, The, Anttilis Mission, The, Arctic Adventure, Ashes of Alucard, The, Atlantis, Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies, Baltimore:24, Bedlam, Beware Collaborators, BiCon, Bmissfille, Bobajob Street, Bullhockey 2 -The Return of The Leather Whip, Bullhockey!, Burglar!, Busted!, Cacophony, Castle, Castle of Doom, Cell of the Ridges, Centipede, Christminster, City of Secrets, Cliff Diver: Investigator For Hire, Colonel's Bequest, The, Colossal Cave Adventure, CosmoServe, Creatures that Live in the Sun, Critical Breach, Cursed be the City, Curses, Deadly Labyrinth, Deep Probe, Deephome, Derelict 2147, Diabolical, Ditch Day Drifter, Dog Star Adventure, Dr. Bongo's Safari Park, Drachen von Laas, Dracula - Prince of Darkness, Dracula Avontuur, Dreamhold, The, Dynamite Powers vs. the Ray of Night!, Earthquake, Echappée Belle Dans Les Contrées du Rêve, Ekphrasis, Enemies, Enhanced, Enter at Your Own Risk, Eric the Power-Mad Dungeon Master, Eric the Unready, Even the Devil Must Die, Fallacy of Dawn, Filaments, Finding Martin, Flattened London, Followers Adventure, Four in One, Frenetic Five vs. Mr Redundancy Man, The, Frenetic Five vs. The Seven Deadly Dwarves, The, Frustrated Interviewee, Galactic Peace, Garden Party, The, GC: A Thrashing Parity Bit of the Mind, Genesis Quest, Ghost King, Ghost Train, The, Groove Billygoat, Gumshoe, Haunted Forest, Haunted Horror, Heated, Heist: The Crime of the Century, Heroine's Mantle, Hidden City of Trash Island, The, HLA Adventure, House, The, In the Universe Beyond, India Palace, Intercept, Interstellar War, Intruder, Invasion, Jailbreak, Jewel of Knowledge, The, Jewel of Knowledge, The, Jigsaw, Jigsaw, Job, The, Journey, Jubilee Road, Kathedrale, Die, Key to Time, The, Killer Headache, A, Kingdom of Amphibia, Kquest, Lecture Feature, Leotrope, Lieux Communs, Live Aid Magical Mystery Tour, Losing Your Grip, Lost, Lost New York, Maintenance Man, The, Mansion, Meine Dalix, Misadventure, Mission X, Mission, The, Mort Pour Seul Destin, La, Mutant Invasion, Mystery Mansion, Nightmare Reflections, Nuclear Submarine, Ooze - Als die Geister Murbe Wurden, Operation Hawaii, Operation Thunderstorm, Original Adventure, The, Parlez-lui d'amour, PC University, Phantom's Revenge, The, Poseidon Adventure, The, Projekt Prometheus, Pyramids of Mars, The, Quest, Raiders of the Star Temple, Red Button Game, The, Return to Karn, Rubber Maze, The, Sample Adventure, Search For Sanity, Secret of Bastow Manor, The, Secret Sam 1, Ship Wrecked, Snow Queen, The, Snowdrop, Später Besuch, Ein, Space Aliens Laughed at my Cardigan, Space Derelict!, Space Traveller, Special Agent, Staff "Slake", The, Staff of Law, The, Star Cruiser, Star Portal, The, Stundenglas, Das, Sugared Pill, A, Térvihar, Tanker Train, Temple Of Disrondu, Theme Park U.K., Tinseltown Blues, Vague, Very Hairy Fish-Mess, A, Vial of Doom, The, Vial of Doom, The, Vollkommene Masse, Die, Warlord of Doom, Wight Smugglers, The, Windsloe Mansion, Witch Tale, A, Xadomy, Zodiac
- New Maps: Adventure Castle, Adventure Castle, Adventure Construction Set Demo, Adventure Game, The, Alice in Wonderland, Alien Egg, All the Colours of Darkness, Amazon, Angelicus Saga, The, Angelicus Saga, The, Arctic Adventure, Atlantis, Atlantis, Babel, Beware Collaborators, Bungle Brothers, The, Burglar!, C.I.A. Adventure, Castle, Castle of Doom, Castle, The, Castlemaze Adventure, Castlequest, Castlequest, Challenge, The, Colossal Cave Adventure, Cracks of Fire, Creatures that Live in the Sun, Crystal Caverns, Crystal Caverns, Cup, The, Cyborg, Deep Probe, Derelict 2147, Dr. Bongo's Safari Park, Enter at Your Own Risk, Enter at Your Own Risk, Followers Adventure, Fyleet, Fyleet, Green Door, The, Hermit's Secret, Hezarin, Hezarin, Hidden City of Trash Island, The, Hitch Hiker, Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The, Hobbit, The, In the Universe Beyond, Inca Curse, Interstellar War, Jungle Bunny, Katakombs, Leotrope, Lifeboat, Live Aid Magical Mystery Tour, Loose Ends, Million Dollar Great Jewel Heist, The, Misadventure, Mission Asteroid, Mission X, Nuclear Submarine, Original Adventure, The, Out of the Limelight, Parlez-lui d'amour, Phantom's Revenge, The, Philosopher's Quest, Philosopher's Quest, Planet of Death, Poseidon Adventure, The, Projekt Prometheus, Quest, Raiders of the Star Temple, Red Button Game, The, Red Door, The, Seek, Ship Wrecked, Softporn Adventure, Space Derelict!, Space Traveller, Staff "Slake", The, Star Cruiser, Star Portal, The, Star Portal, The, Star Portal, The, Star Portal, The, Star Portal, The, Star Portal, The, Star Portal, The, Star Portal, The, Suspended, Tanker Train, Teenage Emergency, Ten Green Bottles, Test, The, Theatre of Death, The, Theme Park U.K., Theme Park U.S.A., There's a Hole in Your Bucket, Thief, Thief's Tale, A, Time Lords Amulet, The, Time of the End, Time Quest, Time-Line, Transpo '95, Ulysses and the Golden Fleece, Vague, Vial of Doom, The, Wight Smugglers, The, Wizard and the Princess, The
- New Hints: Altered Destiny, Amazon, Body in the Bunker, The, Child's Play, Dark Crystal, The, Darklands, Death in the Caribbean, Haunted Horror, Infidel, Lock and Key, Pettigrew's Diary, Phantom's Revenge, The, Projekt Prometheus, Seastalker, Serpent's Star, The, Witness, The
- New Fixed games: Arctic Adventure, C.I.A. Adventure, Colossal Cave Adventure, Locked In!, Mapper, The
- Updated Hints: Pettigrew's Diary, Phantom's Revenge, The
- Updated Maps: India Palace, Leotrope, Spooky House Adventure
- Updated Solutions: += 3, Alice in Wonderland, Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies, Cacophony, Case of the Missing Adventure, The, Deeds of Glengarry Hall, The, Heroine's Mantle, Red Button Game, The, Red Button Game, The, Spooky House Adventure, Village of Secrets, Wight Smugglers, The
- New Reviews: AdventP, Castlequest, Crystal Caverns, Frustrated Interviewee, Fyleet, Green Door, The, Hezarin, Hobbit, The, Humbug, Loose Ends, Lydia's Heart, Mirror of Khoronz, The, Out of the Limelight, Philosopher's Quest, Unauthorized Termination, Uninvited, Witch Tale, A
- New Games: AardVarK Versus the Hype, Above and Beyond!, Achtung Panzer!, AdventP, Adventure Caves, Adventure Construction Set Demo, ALPS Demo, Amantes, And Then You Come to a House Not Unlike the Previous One, Antidote, The, Ashes of Alucard, The, Atlantis, Attack of the Yeti Robot Zombies, Augmented Fourth, Babysitter 1: The Night His Parents Went Out, Babysitter 2: The Kid Unleashed, Berg, BiCon, Bmissfille, Bobby and Bonnie, Bowden's Adventures, Brave Bear, Buffer Diamond, Bullhockey 2 -The Return of The Leather Whip, Burglar!, Cacodemon, Cacophony, Camel Caverns, Castle of London, Cathedral Adventure, Cave-In, Cavern of Fear, Caves, Caves '90, Caves of Lore, Centipede, Cheat, Child's Play, Chrononauts, The, Citadel, The, City of the Dwarfs, Closure, Codex Sadistica: A Heavy-Metal Minigame, Critical Breach, D'ARKUN, Dark Tower of Engor, Darkpit, Deephome, Desperate Journey, Diabolical, Diamond 1, Diamond 2, Diamond Quest, Dr Horror's House of Terror, Dracula - Prince of Darkness, Echappée Belle Dans Les Contrées du Rêve, Ekphrasis, Enchanted Realm II, Enterprise Incidents, The, Eric the Power-Mad Dungeon Master, Escape From Mystery Mansion, Escape from Planet Delta, Escape!, The, Euripedes Enigma, The, Experimento, El, Fallacy of Dawn, Faust, Fenêtre sur ma Cour, Filaments, Finding Light, Finding Martin, Foxy, Frenetic Five vs. Mr Redundancy Man, The, Frenetic Five vs. The Seven Deadly Dwarves, The, Frustrated Interviewee, Galactic Peace, Gate, The, Genesis Quest, Geno Space Adventure, Ghost King, Ghost Train, The, Ghosts Within, Goldilocks is a FOX!, Grandma Bethlinda's Remarkable Egg, Graveyard, The, Groove Billygoat, Happy Birthday, Haunted Castle, Haunted Horror, Haunted House, Hawk the Hunter, Hemlock Soames Strikes Again, Hercules!, Heroine's Mantle, Highly Suspicious Aquarium, A, Horse, House Adventure, House, The, Hunt for Relief, The, I Contain Multitudes, Idol Island, Infinite Adventure, Intruder, ISTHORN, Italianate, Jack and the Beanstalk, Jewel of Knowledge, The, Kidnapped, Kingdom of Amphibia, Lecture Feature, Libonotus Cup, The, Lieux Communs, Locked In!, London Town, Lost Dutchman, Lost in Time, Lost Princess, The, Mad Monk, Maintenance Man, The, Malady, Malaise, Mansion, Matinee Madness, Meaning of Life, The, Meine Dalix, Mell, Midway, The, Mines of the Lost, Mini Adventure, Mission Timestalker, Moist, Monster Rally, Moonbase Plato, Morphostasis, Mort Pour Seul Destin, La, Mortlake Manor, Moses: Old Testament Adventure #1, Mulldoon Legacy, The, Mulldoon Murders, The, Mutation, Mystery House, Mystery House II, Mystery Mansion, Necrotic Drift, Nel Mondo degli Adeh, Nethack - The Adventure, Night on the Town, A, Nite-Time, Not Just A Game, Off-Season at the Dream Factory, One Foot Down, One Girl, Out of Your Wits, Parlez-lui d'amour, Passi della regina, I, Peg of My Heart!, Pick Up the Phone Booth and Aisle, Plane Walker, Planet of Zandell, Plastic Man, The, Potter and the Mould, The, Princess in the Dungeon, Public Investigations, Pyramid, Pytho's Mask, Querbott Machine, The, Quest for the Serpent's Eye, Quest to Earth - Part 1, Raiders of the Lost Crown, Rakish, RANS: An Interworld Progress, Reluctant Resurrectee, The, Rematch, Return of Star Voyager, Revenge, The, River, The, Robot Revolt, Sandseeker, Sarvegne, Savoir-Faire, Schooldays, Search for Largo Grann, The, Search For Sanity, Search for the Fifty Pence, Second Wind, Sex Artist, The, Shapes, Shards of Memory, Ship Wrecked, Simple Adventure, Simple Adventure, Sirens of Space, The, So, You've Never Played a Text Adventure Before, Huh?, Song of the Mockingbird, The, Sorpresa, La, SOS Shipwreck, Spéléologie en Aveugle!, Später Besuch, Ein, Space Derelict!, Space Station, Spook House, Spook House 2: The Last Vampire, Spook House 3: The Levee, Star, Starship Volant: Stowaway, STart Adventure, Sting, Strange Affair, A, Stripey, Swamp Thing, TAEEK, Tammy Buys 6128, Teacher Feature, Temple of Terror, Three Monkeys, One Cage, Time's Up!, Tinseltown Blues, Tiny Game, Treasure, Treasure Quest, TROFF, Ultima Adventure, Ultima Nine, Ultima V, Ultima VII, Unfortunate, Unknown Treasure, The, Vague, Valley of the Kings, Viagem de Vasco da Gama à Índia, A, Villain, The, Volcán, El, Volcano Island, Vollkommene Masse, Die, Waking Steps, Warlord, The Princess & The Bulldog, The, What Heart Heard Of, Ghost Guessed, What remains of me, Where Evil Dwells, Windfall, Windmere Estate, Wish You Were Here, Witch Hunter, Witch Tale, A, Without a Clue, Wombats II, Woods Are Dark, The, WWII Elevator Escape, You've Got A Stew Going!, Zabte Stužkovou, Zodiac Castle, Zuby ve tme, Zurk I: The Great Zurkian Empire, Zurk II: The World Below, Zurk III: The City of Glass, Zurk IV: Enter the Ninja, Zurk IX: The Rendezvous, Zurk V: The Dungeon Master, Zurk VI: The Dragon Gate, Zurk VII: The Savannah, Zurk VIII: The Wizard’s Guild