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Eureka! (Eureka.txt)



Handic Software
Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)

Some locations are "timed" where you have to carry out a certain deed or vacate that
location within a certain time. This varies but is, on average, about 10 seconds.

Walk Through
(Start in a rocky gully), S (savanna), TAKE MOUSE (if you take too long here it will disappear into
the undergrowth), S (a tyrannosaurus is following you), SW, W (jungle), LOOK, GET CREEPER, E, E (to
where the pit is), JUMP (the pursuing tyrannosaurus falls into the pit and disappears).

N, N (patch of gravel), LOOK, TAKE FLINT, E, U, TAKE CRYSTALS, D, S, E (east end of swamp), LOOK,
TAKE COAL, E (mammoth's graveyard), LOOK, TAKE BONE, SW, S, W (north bank of river), MAKE AXE
(you chip the flint and attach it to the bone - you now have a stone axe), CHOP TREE, MAKE RAFT, E,
E (by the waterfall), LOOK (a hidden staircase is carved into the side of the waterfall), D (slab of
rock), S (surface of lake), D (bottom of lake), LOOK, TAKE RUBY, U, S (marshy swampy region - a
brachiosaurus is here eating the vegetation), LOOK, TAKE LOG, WAIT (the brachiosaurus continues
eating), WAIT (this time it lumbers off), W, U (edge of volcano), LOOK, TAKE SULPHUR, D.

W (savanna near dried up water hole - you hear mammoths approaching), DROP MOUSE (the mammoths are
terrified by the mouse and stampede into the distance), NW, W, W (clearing), LOOK, TAKE NECKLACE, E,
E, SW (grasslands - you meet a Neanderthal man who asks you a question), KONG KA (he answers
"Minko, Kong", and leads you to the village), LOOK, TAKE STONE, W (Smig's hut), OFFER
NECKLACE (Smig gives you his clay pot in return), E, E (Kogo's hut), OFFER RUBY (Kogo gives you
his bamboo ladder in return), W, SW (outside Shannan's hut), DRINK LIQUID (you are now
refreshed and your vigour returns to 50), S (Shunnan's hut), WAIT (until Shannan points to the
sky), N.

N, S (fork in trail), W (muddy water hole), FILL POT (with water), E, MAKE GUNPOWDER (you mix the
coal, white crystals and sulphur to form a black powder), MAKE GUN (you fill the log with gunpowder
and pack it down with the round stone... you now have a cannon), SE (desert), S (a dinosaur is
here), USE GUN (the dinosaur falls - you are thirsty), DRINK WATER, S, S, S (oasis - a friendly
dinosaur appears, drops a stick at your feed and says "Meep! Meep!" - remember this),
THROW STICK (it happily runs after the stick and disappears).

W, N (rocky outcrop - a gunman is here), THROW AXE, WAIT (until it hits the man), E (the dying
gunman says "Von Berg will get you yet"), LOOK, TAKE RIFLE, TAKE ROPE, TAKE AXE, W, SW
(north side of canyon - a tree stump is here), USE ROPE, D (bottom of canyon), E (east end of canyon
- a cobra is here and bites you), SUCK WOUND, W, S, S (bottom of tall mountains), W, W, W (west end
of ledge), LOOK, TAKE BRANCH, E, E, D (bottom of tall mountains), N, N, W (bubbling tar pit), USE
BRANCH (it is now covered in tar), E, S, S, S, W, E, E (east end of ledge - an old eagle's nest
is here which is made up of dried twigs), RUB TWIGS (you soon have a small fire going), LIGHT

W, S (large cave with paintings), E, S (bat cave - keep entering south until you arrive at a small
cave), LOOK, TAKE DIAMOND, N, W (back to large cave with paintings), S (maze of sacred caverns), W,
SW, S (bottom of sheer rock face), USE LADDER (you lean the ladder against the rock face), U (top of
rock face), TAKE LADDER, W (edge of deep pit), USE LADDER, D (bottom of pit), LOOK, TAKE FUNGI, U,
E, S (west bank of river), USE FUNGI (to protect you from the heat of the volcanic lava), E, NW
(cavern), D (icy water), S, W (western end of cavern - a giant snake is coiled around the talisman),
USE DIAMOND (you hypnotise the snake and it falls asleep), TAKE TALISMAN.



Handic Software
Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)

Some locations are "timed" where you have to carry out a certain deed or vacate that
location within a certain time. This varies but is, on average, about 10 seconds.

Walk Through
(Start on a hill overlooking Rome), S (you meet an old man who says "Quero Vaim in Roman
Ducendam"), HIT MAN (he steps back revealing a coin), TAKE COIN, S (gate to room), S (a burly
soldier bars your way), GIVE COIN, S, W, W, LOOK, TAKE KEY, E, NW (narrow alley - you will now be
captured, shackled and sold as a slave... you are put to work on a galley, and learn to speak fluent
Latin), USE KEY (you unshackle yourself), WAIT (until the ship is attacked... you find yourself in a
raft... you see a man drowning), SAVE MAN (he is a Roman general... you are now rescued and Lulium
Feliciter grants your freedom and gives you 20 Sesterces... you are on the harbour dock).

N (you pass Archimedes), N (market), BUY SWORD, E, S, BUY WINE, N, W, W, W, S, S, S (marshes), E,
SW, E, S (dry ground), TAKE ROSE, N, W, NE, W, N, N, N, E, E (outside gladiators' school - you
are invited to step inside and earn some money), E (waiting room), GIVE WINE (your opponent drinks
it to calm his nerves), W (arena), HIT MAN (you defeat your opponent and receive 100 Sesterces in
prize money), OUT, W, N, E, N, BUY CHICKEN, W (your chicken lays an egg), TAKE EGG, E, NW, N (an
aged man says "Beware the Ides of March"), GIVE CHICKEN (he kills the chicken and says
"Red will win"), S, S, S, W, W, W, IN (you are asked to place a bet on the chariot race -
red to win), DONE (you win 150 Sesterces).

N, E, N, E, BUY HORSE, BUY CHARIOT, E, E, NE, IN (sculptor's house), LOOK, TAKE CHISEL, TAKE
HAMMER, OUT, SW, SE, IN (farmer's cottage), LOOK, BUY AXE, S, S (bank of stream where the
stones are), SHARPEN AXE, E (bank of stream), LOOK, TAKE KEY, W, N, E (entrance to a disused mine),
LOOK, TAKE SPADE, E, CUT TREE (you make some mining props), WAIT (night will fall), E, E (army
camp), S (officer's tent), TAKE CHEST, OUT, W, W, W, IN (disused mine), USE PROPS (to protect
you from a cave-in), DIG (this removes the blockage), S (rock face), USE HAMMER (you chip loose a

N, N, W, W, N (edge of a deep gully), GIVE COIN (the lift-operator lowers you into the gully), W
(there are some lepers here), N, LOOK, TAKE SKULL, S, E, E (the mad leper says "Only I know the
way out"), GIVE EGG (the leper rolls aside a rock revealing a passage to the south), TAKE EGG,
S (don't delay here or the leper will replace the rock), U, SW, W, W, N, NW, N, N, N, N, N, E
(into a group of cypress trees), NW (wooden hut where the witch is), GIVE TOOTH, OPEN CHEST, TAKE
EAGLE, GIVE EAGLE, GIVE ROSE, GIVE SKULL (the witch brews the leaf of swamp rose, the skull of the
leper, the dragon's tooth and the golden eagle into a foul potion and hands it to you).

S, W, S, S, S, E, N (catacombs), LOOK, TAKE TORCH, N, N, SE, LOOK, TAKE ROBE (you hear heavenly
choirs), NW, NW, S (the torch now burns out), W, S, S, W, GIVE ROBE (the man lays his hands on you
shoulders, your leprosy vanishes instantly), E, S, W, BUY SANDALS, E, NE, E, STRIP OFF, W, IN (you
are now cleansed and refreshed), E, LOOK, TAKE TOGA, WEAR TOGA, W, W, S, S, W, N, W, W, S, IN
(arena), USE POTION (note you must use the potion BEFORE the race begins), E (emperor's stand),
AVE CAESAR (the emperor says "Come to my palace tonight and we will celebrate your
victory" - you are now back at the stables).

N, E, N, E, N, NW, N, N, E, S (entrance to Nero's palace), WEAR SANDALS, IN, S, S, E (kitchen
yard), LOOK, TAKE BONE, W (kitchen - there is a caged dog in front of the door to the south), GIVE
BONE, S (pantry), TAKE OIL (leave everything else), N, N, N, E (gardens), TAKE TORCH, S (underneath
Nero's bedroom), LIGHT OIL, N, W, S, E (east/west corridor), LOOK (you find a secret passage),
S (you are now in Nero's bedroom under the window, he runs out to investigate the fire, leaving
the talisman behind), E, TAKE TALISMAN.



Handic Software
Walk Through with Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)

Some locations are "timed" where you have to carry out a certain deed or vacate that
location within a certain time. This varies but is, on average, about 10 seconds.

Walk Through
(Start in a leafy clearing), E (the jouster asks you to gamble), GAMBLE (stone usually wins), STONE
(Sir Malin gives you a suit of armour if you win, if you don't then you have no choice but to
restart), N (an old woman sits by a fire at the roadside and says "Who will slay the
troublesome wolf for me?"), LOOK, TAKE STONE, N (there is a wolf here, sleeping on a dagger),
DROP STONE (the wolf is killed instantly), LOOK, TAKE CARCASS, TAKE DAGGER, S, GIVE CARCASS (the old
woman thanks you and says "Dig deep in the eagle's nest for a precious gift").

E, U (eagle's nest (don't delay here), DIG, TAKE CLOAK, D, W, W, S, W, N (secret staircase
- you can now see through a crack into Morgan's den, where she talks to a man in black,
"It's in both our interests to stop this fellow," she says), D (cellar), LOOK, TAKE
SACK, U, U (to a room), LOOK, TAKE HARP (the harp cries out for help but you manage to stuff it into
the sack and muffle the noise), WEAR CLOAK, U (battlements), JUMP (don't delay here... the
cloak billows out like a parachute and you float gently to the ground).

E, N, N (into a cave - you see a huge quartz crystal in which is trapped a human form... here is a
human pelvis on the floor), REMOVE HARP, PLAY HARP (the crystal resonates loudly but the notes do
not seem to be the right ones), JAILHOUSE ROCK (the crystal shatters and an old man staggers out
"I am Merlin." he says, "I know of your plight... Seek the Lady of the Lake and avoid
the questing Beast"... he gives you a ring then vanishes into the darkness of the cave), TAKE

S, S, S (a Black Knight is here, just walk past him), S, E, SE, NE, HIT MAN (repeat until you kill
the man in black), W, W, W (into the gloomy forest), W, SE, S (a pretty damsel at a window high up
in the tower and asks your help), IN (there is a damsel chained to the wall - she tells you the ogre
has the key), U (ogre's den), HIT OGRE (repeat until the ogre is dead), LOOK, TAKE KEY, D, FREE
DAMSEL (she invites you to her father's house where the servants feed you and tend your wounds
- the damsel gives you her colours and your vigour is topped up).

NE, LOOK, TAKE COCONUT (shells), E (some robbers are here), USE COCONUT (shells - the robbers think
a horseman is coming so they flee into the woods), E (main square of the village), S (gates of
Camelot castle), S (King Arthur says "You must bring me the sword from the stone to prove your
worthiness"), N, W (gates of Sir Kay's Castle), S, REMOVE ARMOUR (so you don't wake
Sir Kay), W, TAKE KEYS, E, E (kitchen), USE KEYS (to open the locked south door), S (pantry), LOOK,
TAKE GREASE (bowl), N, W, WEAR ARMOUR, N, W (western end of muddy road - you see a silvery sword
embedded in the stone to it's hilt), USE GREASE, TAKE SWORD.

E, E, E (crossroads), S, S (a crooked dwarf says "I'll give you a horse if you kill the
wolf in my cellar" - he then enters his hovel), S, KILL DWARF (repeat until he dies), LOOK,
TAKE KNIFE (your vigour should now be pretty low so...), WEAR RING (to increase to 100), N, N, E,
TAKE CHARGER (white), W, N, E, SE (you are at a tower - a beautiful lady opens the door and says
"Rest here awhile" and invites you inside - ignore her other offers), IN (don't be
tempted t go up, if you do you will never return), LOOK, TAKE STATUETTE, EAT (repeat "EAT"
until your vigour stands at 100).

N, NW, W, N, E, S, CUT ROPE, TAKE ROPE, N, W, N, KILL KNIGHT (repeat until he dies), NE, D, LOOK,
TAKE SEED, U, USE SEED (quick-growing carrots), TAKE CARROTS, N (you see a white rabbit sitting on a
mound of bones), GIVE CARROTS (the rabbit eats and lets you pass), E, S, LOOK, TAKE RAG, N, E (a
bull starts after you), NE, E, USE RAG (the bull charges the cloak and falls over the cliff).

D, W (you meet a man who is selling boats), GIVE STATUETTE (you receive a boat in exchange), SE, W,
S, W (abbey - the monks feed you and tend to your wounds), N (ruined chapel), LOOK, TAKE SPEAR, S,
E, S, S (deep in wood), S, SW, SW, NE, HIT BEAST (the beast's body dissolves to reveal a golden
crucifix), TAKE CRUCIFIX, NE, NE, N, N, N, N, E, U, W, TAKE ROSE, E, IN (chapel), E (the priest says
"Tell me your sins, my son, for only the pure of heart may find the Holy Grail"), TELL
SINS (the priest says "For your penance you must donate something to the church"), GIVE
CRUCIFIX (the priest absolves you from your sins and declares you to be pure of heart).

S (altar), LOOK, TAKE GRAIL, N, N, D, NW, E, U, W, SW, W, W (the rabbit is still munching that
carrot), S, SW, S, S, W, S (King Arthur's hall - King Arthur takes you to battle against his
nephew, Mordred, at Badon Hill - after the final battle the dying King Arthur says "Take me to
the sea"), TAKE ARTHUR, E, DROP ARTHUR, PUSH BOAT (the boat containing Arthur heads over the
ocean to Avalon... Arthur throws Excalibur at your feet "Take this to the Lady of the
Lake", he says), TAKE EXCALIBUR, N, THROW EXCALIBUR (a hand appears, takes Excalibur, vanishes,
then reappears with a talisman), USE BOAT (to get to the middle of the lake), TAKE TALISMAN (you
return the sceptre to the king and are dubbed "GUARD OF PICAR"... you have restored power
back to the kingdom of Picar... you have done well).



Handic Software
Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)

Some locations are "timed" where you have to carry out a certain deed or vacate that
location within a certain time. This varies but is, on average, about ten seconds.

Walk Through
(Start in a cornfield), WAIT (until a Spitfire crashes), SE, LOOK, TAKE UNIFORM, WEAR UNIFORM, W
(small village), WAIT (until you are captured and taken to the cooler in Colditz... your time is up
and you are released), S, NE (prisoner's mess), LOOK, TAKE BONE, TAKE MATCHES, N (kitchen),
LOOK, TAKE PEPPER (pot), E, GIVE BONE (this keeps the dog happy), LOOK, TAKE BAYONET, W, S, W, N
(north end of British dormitory), LOOK, TAKE CIGARETTES, E (your bunk), LOOK, TAKE CHOCOLATE, TAKE

W, W, W (stage wings), USE MATCH (see a lever), PULL LEVER, E (the stage trapdoor is now open), D
(beneath the theatre where it's dark), USE MATCH, TAKE KIT (sewing), U, E, S, LOOK, GET POLISH
(Sgt. Bruiser says "That's mine"), GIVE CIGARETTES (Sgt. Bruiser gives the polish to
you), S, W (prison hospital), LOOK, TAKE BANDAGE, TAKE SHEETS, MAKE ROPE, E, E (bottom of stone
staircase), U (a guard stops you), GIVE CHOCOLATE (the guard will now let you pass), U (attic),
LOOK, TAKE RECORD (it is a recording of the "Anvil Chorus"), D, W, NW, N, N (water
closet), USE ROPE (you are on the battlements of Colditz), W, TAKE PICKAXE, E, E, TAKE CROWBAR, W,
TAKE ROPE, U, S, MAKE UNIFORM (you cut up the blankets and sew them together, then dye the result
with boot polish to make a realistic German uniform), WEAR UNIFORM.

S, S, S, S, S (through the guarded gate to the German area), S (gatehouse), TAKE KEYS, N, E, S
(office), TAKE ALL (compass and ID card), N, E (plush office), TAKE ALL (rubber stamp and photo
camera), S, TAKE ALL (gramophone and 10 Mark note), N, E (first floor window ledge), WAIT (when the
second lorry of hay passes beneath the window, immediately), JUMP IN (you land in the lorry and
arrive in a cornfield, west of the village), IN (the locked shed using the key to unlock the door),
LOOK, TAKE CUTTERS (wire), OUT, E (wait until you are captured again and taken to the cooler once

S, S, E (chapel), LOOK (you reveal a secret passage), S, S, E, TAKE ALL (the items which were taken
from you when you were captured), W, LOOK (to reveal the passage again), N, N, W, N, N, N, E (your
bunk), GET BLANKETS, MAKE UNIFORM (the previous one was taken when you were captured), W, S, S, S
(south end of courtyard), TAKE PHOTO (you take a snapshot of yourself), N, W, W (pharmacy), DEVELOP
FILM (using the chemicals in the pharmacy you now have a "passport-size" photo of
yourself), STAMP ID, MAKE ID, E, E, S, W (showers), MOVE STOVE (you reveal a patch of concrete),
LOOK, TAKE MIRROR, PLAY RECORD, DIG (in time with the music... you are below ground in a narrow
tunnel), DIG, DIG, DIG, U (outer courtyard), N (the door is padlocked), USE CROWBAR, N (small
storeroom), LOOK, TAKE LADDER, S, S (near high wall), USE LADDER (you are by a tall fence), USE

S (you are now in an open meadow), E (into a dense wood), USE COMPASS, E, USE COMPASS, SW, USE
COMPASS, SW, USE COMPASS, S (top of a sunny hill - you see something flash in the sun to the east),
USE MIRROR (to acknowledge signal), E (wooden cabin where you meet the resistance, one of them says
"Prove your loyalty by rescuing Brigitte"), WEAR UNIFORM, SE (town square - need to be
wearing uniform), W (small bar), BUY SCHNAPPS, LOOK, TAKE NOTE, E, E (Gestapo HQ), GIVE SCHNAPPS
(the guard drinks it and passes out), D (interrogation room where you see Brigitte tied to a table),

W, NW (the resistance give you some dynamite and a fuse), TAKE DYNAMITE, W, W (railway line), NW
(railway bridge), D (under the bridge), PLACE DYNAMITE, U, S, USE DYNAMITE (you blow the bridge up),
SE (guard post), S (field), USE BAYONET, S, USE BAYONET, S, USE BAYONET, S (road - you hear someone
whistling "Yesterday" from the direction of the pill-box), W (by chestnut tree), TAKE
HELMET, E, E, IN (pill box - the door slams behind you, and a grenade is throw in), USE HELMET, TAKE
NOTEBOOK (the grenade explodes but you are only winded), DROP NOTEBOOK, TAKE NOTEBOOK (remember the
number written on the first page - it is different for each game), OUT.

W, S (a guard shouts "Heidi"), SHOW ID (the doors open and you step through), W
(laboratory), TAKE COCKROACH, E, E (small office), TAKE ALL (cigarette case and bust of Beethoven),
LOOK BUST (you see the letters YKZ written on the base), W, S, E (office), LOOK (you find a piece of
paper on which is written KXV), W, W (chemical laboratory - the bullet bounces off the cigarette
case), TAKE SCREWDRIVER, E, S (to where the secretary is), USE COCKROACH (the secretary faints), S,
E (east end of control room), USE SCREWDRIVER (on the grill - you are now in a network of shafts),
D, D, U (you are now in a large office), MOVE PORTRAIT (you reveal a combination lock safe in the
wall), KXV, YKZ, ...., (plus the number from the notebook), OPEN SAFE, TAKE TALISMAN.



Handic software
Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)

some locations are "timed" where you have to carry out a certain deed or vacate that
location within a certain time. This varies but is, on average, about 10 seconds.

Before commencing this final part of Eureka, you need to answer four questions from the previous
four parts.
1. What is the sound made by the friendly dinosaur........MEEP MEEP.
2. What is the name of the Emperor........NERO.
3. What is the name of King Arthur's treacherous nephew..........MORDRED.
4. What is the title of the record....... ANVIL CHORUS.

Walk Through
(start in a Lear Jet, 10, 000' above the Caribbean), TAKE PARACHUTE (when the next block of
text appears and you are over the small Caribbean Island), D (you land on a sandy beach), INVENTORY
(in addition to the parachute you are carrying a knife, radio and pistol), SW, D (hidden cave), TAKE
ALL (doubloon, rusty cutlass and skull), U, NE, SE, E, KILL PANTHER (repeat until it is dead), LOOK,
TAKE CARCASS, NE, NE, LOOK PYRAMID (you find a section of carving which moves under your touch to
open a secret door), IN, LOOK IDOL (you spot a lever on which the idol rests quite delicately... you
press it and a large stone block falls from the ceiling at your side), LOOK, TAKE DIAMOND, OUT.

W, SW, SW, E, U (just inside the airfield fence), SE (control tower), LOOK, TAKE ALL (baseball cap
and fire extinguisher), W, U, W, W (by a wire fence), USE PARACHUTE (your parachute covers much of
the fence, insulating you from it), U (over the fence into the estate), WAIT, WAIT (to avoid the old
guard dog), SW, WAIT, WAIT, SW, WAIT, WAIT, SW (you see something at the bottom of the swimming
pool), THROW CARCASS (the sharks are in a frenzy, tearing the dead panther to shreds), D (bottom of
the pool), TAKE METAL STRIP, U, N (front door), N, N (garage), LOOK, TAKE ALL (spanner, bicycle pump
and can of oil).

S (outside ground floor window), USE STRIP (you enter the lounge...), WAIT (until Bobbajob appears),
HIT MAN (repeat until you kill him), LOOK, TAKE LIGHTER, U, W (bathroom), LOOK, TAKE ASPIRIN, W
(shower cubicle), LOOK, TAKE SOAP, OUT, E, N (bedroom), LOOK, TAKE SHIRT, S, D, S, W (library),
LOOK, TAKE STRING, LOOK SHELF (you accidentally press a hidden stud and a section of the bookcase
revolves, taking you with it, to the top of a hidden stairway), D (bottom of secret stair), USE
SPANNER (you remove the bolts of the door), S (east/west corridor - a window overlooks the room
containing the Metachron... you see the talisman within the Metachron... beam of green light emerges
from it and strikes a dog which quickly becomes a small puppy).

WEAR CAP, WEAR SHIRT, E (the guard here thinks he recognises you because of your attire and says
"Hi Charlie"), HIT MAN (you catch him unawares and fell him with your first blow), SPILL
OIL (you create a pool of oil), LIGHT OIL, (it burns the door down), USE EXTINGUISHER (you can now
proceed south via a burnt out doorway), S, WAIT (Von Berg's men now capture you and you are
eventually taken to a prison cell in the underground complex... there is a bunch of keys on a hook
on the corridor wall opposite the cell door), LOOK, BREAK RADIO (it breaks into several pieces
releasing a magnet from the speaker), TAKE KEYS (you tie the magnet to the string and use it to pull
the keys off the hook), OPEN DOOR, OUT, E (small room with a computer terminal - a message on the
terminal says "PASSWORD"), USE COMPUTER (you are asked what you want to type on the
computer), EUREKA (make a note of the number given to you... it differs for each game), W, S, W
(bedroom), HIT MAN (repeat until he dies), LOOK, TAKE CARD.

E, E (storeroom), LOOK, TAKE SUIT (silver), WEAR SUIT (it covers your entire body including your
head), W, S, S (a sign on the wall points west and says "To the uranium ore refinery"), W,
W (a chute leads downwards from here and a sign above says "Ore Crusher"), D, USE PUMP
(press "RETURN" when the THIRD picture appears - that is when the crusher is about 20
inches from your head - you will fall on to the conveyor - note you should pause, shortly, between
the next four moves), E, E, W, JUMP OFF (press "RETURN" when the new text appears), OPEN
BOTTLE (repeat until it opens and you take the aspirin to restore your vigour to 50), USE CARD, OPEN
DOOR (you are now in a room with computer devices on the desk top), N, USE DIAMOND (to cut a hole
north, through the plate glass).

N (small laboratory), TAKE COUNTER (geiger - it has no batteries at the moment), E, TAKE PLANT
(rubber), N (Berg's office), TAKE KEY, LOOK DESK (you open the desk drawer to find a key, some
batteries and a switch... you insert the batteries into the geiger counter), PRESS SWITCH, W, N
COUNTER, E (white tiled room), USE SOAP, N, N (a green light above the door comes on and the door
opens... you are now at the western edge of a long corridor).

E (you are now by a large steel door with a number pad, you must enter the numbers given to you by
the computer earlier), ............ (type the four figures of code - the door opens), S (Metachron
room - you cannot reach the piece of talisman), DROP SKULL, W (control room), INSERT KEY, TURN KEY
(a beam of light turns the skull into a 17th Century pirate who grabs the talisman from inside the
Metachron..., WAIT (until he crumbles to dust), E, TAKE TALISMAN (the complex is now on "self
destruct" giving six minutes in real time to leave the island), N, E, N, U, N (the bookcase
revolves, depositing you in the library), E, USE STRIP, E, WAIT, WAIT, NE, WAIT, WAIT, N, WAIT,
WAIT, USE PARACHUTE (to cross the fence), U, E, E, U, E, RUN EAST (press "RETURN" when the
new picture appears), JUMP IN, USE PISTOL (you've got the pilot at gunpoint and he is flying
you home with the final piece of talisman).

You saved the world.

Taken from Dorothy Irene's site:

Displayed on the Classic Adventures Solution Archive: