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Arnold the Adventurer II (Arnold_the_Adventurer_2.txt)

Arnold the Adventurer Part Two (Zenobi)

Part two uses many of the same locations and characters as its 

predecessor, though Arnold's actions have led to many changes. As 

before, you begin in your hut.

Examine under stove ('look under stove' does not produce the 

required result), get match, sit on chair, get chair leg, examine 

vegetables, get spade, N, E, SE, S, SE, examine rubble, get rock, 

NW, N, NW, N,  examine cage, get sawdust, get wheel, S, E, give 

wheel to farmer.

S, dig, get gold piece, E, burn straw, get spoon, W, N, NE (the 

now wealthy peasant from Part One gives you a shiny coin), SW, W, 

N, N, N (the hermit from Part One now runs his own cabbage stall 

and gives you one from his stock), E, N, examine piano, lift lid 

(you get a piano wire), U, E, lift rug (the floorboards are 

creaky), examine under bed, get pen, prise floorboard with pen, 

insert hand, get map, S, pull chain, pull chain (it comes off in 

your hand).

N, W, D, S, W, N, buy axe (you get the pouch of oil too and the 

shopkeeper closes up and kicks you out), E, N,  give cabbage to 

boy (excited by your gift, he gives you the beans),  N (ignore the 

sailor, he's a red herring), W, blow sawdust (the attendant 

disappears), N, pick lock (you free Tharg who becomes your 

faithful retainer).

S, E, N, examine woman (she wants a spoon - clearly demented), 

give spoon, N (you meet Halbert the Hamster who gives you a 

magazine in thanks for releasing him in Part One), S, S, S, S, S, 

S, S, S, W, W, SW, S, S (the now fully-grown eagle from Part One 

drops a feather), get feather, N, N, board boat (you row across 

the lake).

W (you meet an adventurer offering plenty of useless information), 

NW (he wants a magazine), give magazine,  NW, chop tree (you make 

a bridge), W, N, U, W, NW, examine wall, climb wall, W, eat beans, 

jump,  examine door, tie chain to handle, pull chain (the boulder 

misses you).

E, read map (you navigate the tunnels), E, throw rock at shelf, 

get all, W, N, tickle guard (the author's right - this is an 

incredibly silly solution!) examine guard, get sword, unlock door, 

examine under bed (you discover a tunnel), D, SE, kill spider, cut 

web (Winthorpe jumps free).

E, N, U, push button (and find yourself  in the mansion), E, N, 

open cupboard, get jar, S, W, N, examine bookcase, pull handle (it 

needs oiling), oil handle, pull handle, N, climb table, U, push 

wardrobe, E, E, U, get Schwartze, put Schwartze in jar - Winthorpe 

disposes of the villain and you score 100%


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