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Escape From Hodgkin's Manor (Escape_From_Hodgkins_Manor.txt)

(Part One of the ZIKOV Trilogy)
Authored by Jonathan Scott
Published by Zenobi Software, 1990

Solution by The Erudite Troglodyte
(September 2003)

Outside at Front of Manor

w, x graffiti

It has three words of advice:
    - wait here for a surprise
    - not using inane will give you a shock
    - if a shield you do strike then do it after a lever you do pull

wait, get axe, e, n, x porch, x step, lift mat, x catch, close catch, open 
door, n

East Wing

e, s, wash hands, x basin, get soap, n, n, x table, get knife, x shelving, 
x tin, get nails, n, get croissant, s, s, w, s, s, give croissant (to 
chauffeur), enter car, open compartment, x compartment, get screwdriver, 
out, n, n, e, n, smash pane, unlock door, open door, ne

In the Backyard

throw soap (at gardener), n, w, x borders, get carrots, w, smash door, get 
planks, w, x toolbox, get saw, x workbench, get hammer, s, move sacks, 
unscrew grille, open grille, w, cut moss, open chest, x chest, get crowbar, 
e, n, e, e, e, s, sw

North Wing

s, e, n, x lectern, get bible, s, w, w, n, give carrots (to maid), w, get 
sherry, e, n, give bible (to vicar), s, s

Back to the East Wing

e, e, n, open door, e, x robes, pull lever, w, s, strike shield, e, get 
torch, w, w, w

Entrance Hall
fix stairs, u

On the Second Floor

e, n, ne, get cartridge, sw, s, s, x bed, get sheet, n, w, d

Back at the Entrance Hall

wear sheet, get key, unlock door, open door, drop key, drop screwdriver, 
drop saw, w


give sherry (to Mr. Hodgkins), get wallet, x desk, get map, x map, x 
hatstand, x coat (you'll find token), e, e, n, ne

In the Backyard Again

n, w, n, cut vines, drop knife, insert token, open door, n, x straw, prise 
trapdoor, d, get oil, u, s, s, e, s, sw, s, w

Servant's Quarters

u, e, e, s, oil hinges, open cupboard, s, get tray, n, n, w, w, d, e, n, n, 
give tray (to butler), s, s, w

In Need of a Disk Drive

s, buy drive, x drive, x paper, n, n, call zikov, s, s, open package, x 
manual, n, w, w, connect drive, insert cartridge, type inane, drop manual, 
push bookcase, n, insert passcard, get keys

Going for a Drive
s, e, e, s, s, enter car, insert keys, turn keys

Driving Right into a Hole

on torch, out, e, e, s, smash skeleton, get bone, n, w, w, u, s, give bone 
(to dog), open gate, s

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