E.T. in Action Parte 1: La Fuga for the ZX Spectrum is the same game as Amos Newton: Mente Aliena Parte I: Straniero in Terra for the C64 & MSX. The former was published in Epic 3000, no. 1, May 1986. The latter was published in Explorer, no. 1, November 1986.
E.T. in Action Parte 2: L'Astronave for the ZX Spectrum is the same game as Amos Newton: Mente Aliena Parte II: L'Astronave Nemica for the C64 & MSX. The former was published in Epic 3000, no. 2, June 1986. The latter was published in Explorer, no. 2, December 1986.
Fantasy Parte 1: L'Incantesimo for the ZX Spectrum is the same game as Nigel Stevenson: La Rosa Scarlatta Parte I: L'Incantesimo della Rosa for the C64 & MSX. The former was published in Epic 3000, no. 3, July 1986. The latter was published in Explorer, no. 3, January 1987.
Fantasy Parte 2: La Valle Mysteriosa for the ZX Spectrum is the same game as Nigel Stevenson: La Valle Incantata for the C64. The former was published in Epic 3000, no. 4, September 1986. The latter was published in Explorer, no. 4, February 1987.
Kim O'Brian should be Kim O'Bryan.
Superstite, Il for the ZX Spectrum is the same game as Frank 'Hero' Russel: Missione Suicida for C64 & MSX. The former was published in Epic 3000, no. 3, July 1986. The latter was published in Explorer, no. 3, January 1987.
Piano d'Attacco, Il for the ZX Spectrum is the same game as Frank 'Hero' Russel: Nel Campo Nemico for C64 & MSX. The former was published in Epic 3000, no. 4, September 1986. The latter was published in Explorer, no. 4, February 1987.
Duplicate games & games that should be deleted
Moderator: Alastair
Re: Duplicate games & games that should be deleted
Thanks Garry.
Given the site's problems I don't think it wise at present to merge the duplicate entries, so I have only retitled the Kim O'Bryan game (after first checking the Internet Archive to make sure that the game never had a System entry).
Given the site's problems I don't think it wise at present to merge the duplicate entries, so I have only retitled the Kim O'Bryan game (after first checking the Internet Archive to make sure that the game never had a System entry).