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Nasty Cave Adventure (Nasty_Cave_Adventure_Thor_Vidar.txt)

Thor Vidar Hjelmervick Productions
Walk Through by Dorothy Millard (C64 Version)

(Start on a high cliff), GET ROPE, LOOK AROUND (an old shabby-looking man comes crawling towards you
and asks if he can help), YES (he tells you to tie the rope around him), TIE ROPE (you give one end
to the man and climb down... you are beside a corpse), GET RING (the rope tumbles down together with
a head), GET ROPE, GET HEAD, EXAMINE HEAP, GET MOSS (it's stuck to the leg of the rotting
corpse), GET KATANA (a Japanese sword), GET BRAIN, GET LUNGS, CUT BRAIN WITH KATANA (reveals rather
sticky green slime), EMPTY SLIME ON MOSS (the moss becomes fluorescent and insists on being calls
Doss), GET DOSS.

N (into cave - must be carrying the Doss for light), LOOK AROUND (you see a sign), GET SIGN, READ
SIGN, N, GET DRAWER, N (into dusty cave), CLEAN DUST (you uncover an old calendar from 1052), GET
CALENDAR, READ CALENDAR (writing on it says that to open something closed, say the word SDRAWKCAB),
N (to crossroads), GET KEYCARD, W (into giant's abode where the giant wants you to show him
something to prove you are a friend), SHOW SIGN, EXAMINE CAVE (see table), EXAMINE TABLE (clad with
a table cloth of silver and set for two).

E, E, E, S (to a black hole containing snakes, spiders and scorpions who bar your way east), GET CAN
(of gas), GO DRAWER (you are sitting in it and fill it with the can of gas), PUSH PINK BUTTON (you
take off over the pit to another hallway), S, W (you meet a nasty-looking goblin), EXAMINE GOBLIN
REMAINS (next to the remains you find a chainsaw), GET CHAINSAW.

S, E, E, EXAMINE PAINTING, E, E (by giant billboard), E, GET SNEAKER, S, S, S, S, S, E, S (kitchen),
D (basement), S, S (into vine cellar), GET BOTTLE (of champagne), GO DRAWER, PUSH PINK BUTTON (you
are transported to the cave entrance), N, N, N, W (to giant's humble abode), EXAMINE TABLE,
SHOW BOTTLE (of champagne - he invites you to sit down... you eat and before leaving he hands you a
box), INVENTORY (the box contains haggis), E, E, S (black hole), GO DRAWER, PUSH PINK BUTTON (you
are still at the black hole), GO DRAWER, PUSH PINK BUTTON (this time you are transported to the
hallway), S, W, S.

E, E, E, E, E (to where the corridor turns), S, S, S, S, S, E, S (kitchen), D (basement), E, N, W
(to room containing a barrel), EXAMINE BARREL (you notice a slot on the top), EXAMINE SLOT, INSERT
KEYCARD (the barrel opens and a wand shoots out), E, E, E (into workshop of finished works), LOOK
AROUND, PUT HEAD ON STATUE (as you place the head of the old man on the headless statue, a hidden
door opens), S (into secret room), GET WIG, GET SHOVEL, N, W, W.

S, W, (basement), S, S (into vine cellar), LOOK AROUND (you see a button under one of the shelves),
PUSH BUTTON (one of the shelves moves back revealing a secret passage to the west), W, DIG (you dig
through to another cave and find yourself in the dragon's lair confronted by an angry dragon),
EXAMINE DRAGON (note the sunglasses on his nose), EAT HAGGIS (you feel much tougher and stronger),
KILL DRAGON WITH CHAINSAW (the haggis gives you the power and the guts - you reveal an exit west),

N, N, E, N, W (by well), EXAMINE WELL, TIE ROPE TO HOOK, CLIMB ROPE (to bottom of well where you see
a chest with a dwarf on it), OPEN CHEST (the dwarf sits in your way), TALK to DWARF (he asks if you
have any idea why he has been placed on the chest), NO (he jumps down and leaves to buy some goods
for the weekend), EXAMINE CHEST (looks knockable), KNOCK ON CHEST (a voice says there's no-one
here and they don't want to be opened), SAY SDRAWKCAB (the sunglasses protect you against an
enormous flash of light as the chest disintegrates, revealing a halter and a brick), GET HALTER, GET
BRICK, U, E, S, W, S.

S, S, S, E (pantry), EXAMINE PIG, GET PIG (refuses to come along), FIT HATER (on the pig), GET PIG
(you grab the halter and pull the pig along), W, S, S, E, S (kitchen), D (basement), E, N, N, U
(library), N (into giant hall), LOOK AROUND (you see a glass cabinet), EXAMINE CABINET (made of
strong glass - inside is a cartridge), SMASH CABINET (using the brick - you pull out the cartridge),
INVENTORY (suddenly the old man appears, he thanks you and places the wig on his head....)

So you made it, incredible!
The old man then hands over a block of gold and says "If you ever need my help, just
Then he casts a spell.  You are back on the street alongside an empty trashcan.
It looks like the game has ended.

Taken from Dorothy Irene's site:

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