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There's a Hole in Your Bucket (Theres_A_Hole.txt)


E, (in kitchen, see Liza), x sink (see mixer tap which doesn't work 
because your water has been turned off), x cupboards (see gap), feel 
gap (too narrow for your fingers), e (in hallway, see plant),  x 
plant (see it is on a stool), move plant and get stool, u (to 
bedroom), look under pillows (you pick up a book), x book (it's a 
beginner's guide to water divination), read book (you are now an 
expert!), x bed (it's on castors), look under bed (you can see a pair 
of scissors but you can't quite reach them), move bed (you move the 
bed and pick up the scissors), x scissors (they're sharp but not very 
strong), d, s (into living room), look behind chairs (see waste paper 
basket), look in basket (pick up crumpled paper), flatten paper 
(okay), read paper (it's a letter from the Water Board about your 
water being cut off due to non-payment of the bill), n, w, s (into 
pantry), x shelves, search shelves (see tea caddy on top shelf), get 
caddy (too high to reach, search shelves (you find a tin), x tin (no 
lid and it's empty), search shelves (you find a loaf), x loaf 
(slightly stale), drop stool, stand on stool (can't), x stool (one 
leg is shorter than the other two), fold paper (you make a wedge), 
wedge leg, climb stool (standing on stool), x caddy, open caddy, 
search caddy (you find a key).  Don't empty the caddy to find the tea 
or the key will fall down to the floor into a gap in the 
floorboards…. d, (stool breaks), n, w, back to farmyard, nw into 
small barn, search barn (see sacks), x sacks (see corn), get corn (in 
tin), move sacks (get spade), se, w, feed chickens (with corn), w 
(into coop), feel hay (find pitchfork), e, e, (back to farmyard), n 
into large barn, sr barn (see hayloft but no obvious way up yet), s 
back to farmyard, ne (to SWMBO's vegetable garden), dig (find dry 
whetstone), x shed (door is padlocked), unlock padlock (with key from 
caddy), n (into shed),  look under bench (find container of 
pigswill), get swill (in tin if empty), look under bench again (find 
ladder), x ladder (extending ladder not in brilliant condition), look 
under bench for a third time and locate your bucket, x bucket (yes it 
HAS a hole in it!), search tools (find your axe), x axe (it's blunt), 
s, sw (back to farmyard), s, (to duckpond), x ducks (learn that they 
are miserable since the pond is empty), open gate, w into pigpen (see 
Blossom), w (can't get into sty as Blossom is standing in your way), 
you can't just feed Blossom (try it and see!) so LAY TRAIL OF SWILL, 
sr straw (find twig), x twig (it looks like a divining rod), e, e, e, 
n (to front garden), x gate (tied shut with rope), untie rope (coil 
of rope gets moved to inventory), s (to dirt path), use rod (it 
twitches and points downward), dig, (see water bubbling up), dig 
trench west (brilliant, fills duckpond with water), x ducks (now 
swimming happily in water), n, n to big barn, extend ladder, lean 
ladder (reaches hayloft), drop all, get rope, u (in hayloft but 
ladder breaks so no way down), x bales (see smaller bale to one 
side), x beams, tie rope to beam (you can now get up and down via the 
rope), d, n, get pitchfork, s, u, get smaller bale (using the 
pitchfork you toss the smaller bale through the side opening down 
into the farmyard, but the pitchfork breaks so you chuck it away), d 
(into farmyard), n, get twig, s, e (into kitchen), insert twig in gap 
between cupboards (find knife), w, x bale (tightly tied with twine), 
cut twine with knife (it cuts the twine but knife breaks so you throw 
it away), get straw, x straw (it's too long to fit in bucket), s, wet 
whetstone (okay), sharpen axe on whetstone, cut straw with axe, x 
straw, weave straw (you make a square straw mat), cut mat with 
scissors, put mat in bucket, fill bucket ((can't, ducks are hungry 
and won't let you), break loaf, feed ducks, fill bucket, n, e (into 
kitchen), give bucket to Liza, END

This will obtain you the full score for the game, but there are 
several things you could have done for fun….. (did you smell the 
flowers, or pick some for Liza? for example?)

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